Courtesy of ABC News:
CIA Director Mike Pompeo blasted anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks on Thursday calling it a "hostile" intelligence-gathering service that is often "abetted by state actors like Russia."
"WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service," Pompeo said during an event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, saying, "it's time to call out WikiLeaks for what it is."
He called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a "fraud" and "coward" and criticized NSA leaker Edward Snowden for championing "nothing but his own celebrity."
"I am quite confident that had Assange been around in the 1930s and 40s and 50s, he would have found himself on the wrong side of history," Pompeo said.
Well, somebody needed to say it.
Though I have to admit that I never thought I would find myself in agreement with Mike Pompeo.
However it is beyond clear now that Wikileaks is no longer (If they ever were.) the non-partisan data gathering entity that they advertised themselves to be during the Bush Administration.
Now it is clear that they are working alongside Russia and other hostile nations to undermine and ultimately damage our very foundation as a country.
Interestingly enough Pmpeo himself was not always quite this hostile toward Wikileaks himself.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Pompeo encouraged people to read WikiLeaks’ first dump of hacked Democratic National Committee emails.
“Need further proof that the fix was in from Pres. Obama on down? BUSTED: 19,252 Emails from DNC Leaked by Wikileaks,” he tweeted in July from his congressional account. The account, @RepMikePompeo, no longer exists.
Boy that confirmation bias is a powerful thing, don't you think?
Well at least he did not go as far as his boss who praised Wikileaks during the campaign and often cited documents they had leaked in his attacks on Hillary Clinton.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo blasted anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks on Thursday calling it a "hostile" intelligence-gathering service that is often "abetted by state actors like Russia."
"WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service," Pompeo said during an event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, saying, "it's time to call out WikiLeaks for what it is."
He called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a "fraud" and "coward" and criticized NSA leaker Edward Snowden for championing "nothing but his own celebrity."
"I am quite confident that had Assange been around in the 1930s and 40s and 50s, he would have found himself on the wrong side of history," Pompeo said.
Well, somebody needed to say it.
Though I have to admit that I never thought I would find myself in agreement with Mike Pompeo.
However it is beyond clear now that Wikileaks is no longer (If they ever were.) the non-partisan data gathering entity that they advertised themselves to be during the Bush Administration.
Now it is clear that they are working alongside Russia and other hostile nations to undermine and ultimately damage our very foundation as a country.
Interestingly enough Pmpeo himself was not always quite this hostile toward Wikileaks himself.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Pompeo encouraged people to read WikiLeaks’ first dump of hacked Democratic National Committee emails.
“Need further proof that the fix was in from Pres. Obama on down? BUSTED: 19,252 Emails from DNC Leaked by Wikileaks,” he tweeted in July from his congressional account. The account, @RepMikePompeo, no longer exists.
Boy that confirmation bias is a powerful thing, don't you think?
Well at least he did not go as far as his boss who praised Wikileaks during the campaign and often cited documents they had leaked in his attacks on Hillary Clinton.