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Saturday, 1 April 2017

Last night Bill Maher took aim at Donald Trump's enablers.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Singling out Vice President Mike Pence, press secretary Sean Spicer, and advisors Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Miller, the Real Time host called them out for going on TV and pretending, “Trump didn’t say what everybody just heard him say.” 

“New rule,” Maher began, “If you get up everyday and try and make Donald Trump’s ludicrous and dangerous pronouncements sound normal and sane, you are an enabler.” 

“Twenty years from now when your kids ask you, over a glass of Soylent Green, ‘What did you do during the Trump years, daddy?’ You don’t want your answer to be, ‘My job was to go on TV and say my job was to go on TV and pretend Trump didn’t say what everybody just heard him say,'” Maher continued. 

“Without these professional liars and deniers, there is no Trump,” Maher added. “It takes a village to help a man-child stay in power. And the excuse, ‘I am just doing my job’ is starting to sound a whole lot like I was just following orders.”

You know just last week I wondered what kind of person can go on TV and defend Donald Trump in the morning and then look at themselves in the mirror at night and not want to hold their head under the bathwater until the bubbles stop.

I still don't know, because I can tell you that if it were MY job to defend Donald Trump you would have found me face down in my tub on day two of my employment.


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