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Friday, 7 April 2017

In response to chemical weapons attack Trump orders missile strike against Syrian airbase.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Responding to a Syrian chemical weapons attack on Tuesday that left scores dead, the United States initiated a military strike Thursday on an airbase in Syria, multiple U.S. officials have confirmed, launching 59 missiles at an air base in the country. 

The Pentagon said that the airstrike, which targeted Shayrat Air Base in Homs Province -- where the chemical attack was initiated earlier in the week -- struck multiple targets with tomahawk missiles launched between 8:40 and 8:50 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, from destroyers USS Porter and USS Ross in the Mediterranean Sea. 

President Donald Trump said the strike was in the "vital national security interest" of the U.S. 

In a statement to Syrian state TV, the Syrian army said the attack had left six people dead and several injured, in addition to "big material losses."

A couple of things to keep in mind here.

First Russia was warned about the airstrike before it occurred.

However Trump did NOT warn Congress.

Despite the warning Russia is pissed off: 

Russia has reacted angrily after the US launched a missile strike on a Syrian government air base. 

US officials said the base had been used to launch a chemical weapons attack in north-western Syria that left dozens of civilians dead on Tuesday. 

But Russia, which backs President Bashar al-Assad, condemned the US strike and suspended a deal designed to avoid mid-air collisions over Syria.

Hillary Clinton also stated publicly that she would have attacked the Syrian airbase. (However I think we all know that she would have sought approval from Congress first. After all this IS Hillary Clinton we are talking about.)

Another thing to note is that Trump was completely against this same response back in 2013, after a chemical weapons attack left 1,400 dead.

So I guess 80 dead on his watch justifies a military response by not over a thousand dead during the Obama Administration?

And finally a certain MOH recipient is right on board with this decision.
(I think we already know what the mother-in-law thinks about her boyfriend's response)

One final thing to note is that President Obama was quite ready to take decisive action against Assad back in 2013, but he was blocked from doing so by a majority Republican Congress.

Funny how times cahnge, don't you think?


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