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Monday, 17 April 2017

Here is a breakdown of what it has cost the American taxpayers so far to have Donald Trump as our president.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

President Trump's trips to Mar-A-Lago 

Total cost for security in Palm Beach: $3.7 million 

Roundtrip flights from Joint Base Andrews, Mayland to West Palm, Florida: $700,000 

Overtime for local law enforcement during Trump’s trips: $60,000/day 

Total golf cart rentals ordered by the Secret Service "for POTUS visit": $35,185 

Loss to business due to airport closure: -$30,000/weekend 

Keeping the first family in Trump Towers 

Request for additional Secret Service funding to secure Trump Towers: $60 million 

New York Police Department security costs: $127,000-$146,000/day 

"Elevator services" ordered by the Secret Service: $64,000 

Air Force One flights to New York City: $180,000/hour 

The Trump children's trips around the world with Secret Service 

Eric Trump’s hotel costs in Uruguay: $97,830 

Eric Trump’s hotel costs in the U.K. this week: $11,261 

Eric Trump’s limousine services in Dublin: $4,029.85 

Rental ski equipment and clothing for secret service during Ivanka Trump's trip to Aspen: $12,208 

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump’s hotel costs in Vancouver: $53,155 

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump’s hotel costs in $16,738 

The provided costs don't even include airfare rates for Secret Service agents taking each trek with the Trumps, nor does it include the data on those agents’ salaries and other expenditures taxpayers may be footing the bill for. The budget was expected to naturally increase based on the size of the Trump family as compared to the size of his predecessors, but critics are concerned the billionaire first family hasn’t acknowledged that it's not him paying for his trips, it's the American people.

It is estimated that Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago alone will cost more than President Obama's entire yearly travel expenses before his first 100 days. 

So I guess this is what Trump was talking about when he said he wanted to Make America Great Again.

Apparently that just meant for him and his family.


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