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Thursday, 13 April 2017

Donald Trump essentially confirms that this rift with Russia is all bullshit.

Wait, what?

Now Trump would have NO way of knowing that unless he had some way of knowing that.

Meaning that Trump is confident that things will work out with Russia, because all of this supposed bad blood between our two counties is for show, and means absolutely NOTHING!

Before this tweet Trump was quoted as saying that relations between Russia and America "may be at an all-time low."

If that were in fact the case then Trump would be far less certain that "everyone will come to their senses and there will be lasting peace."

(Remember there is still an ongoing investigation into Russia's hacking of our election.)

But he IS confident that things are going to be fine, because things are fine right now, and all of this smoke and mirrors is to convince us that Trump is not Putin's poodle and that Putin is not essentially in charge of our country.

Which would be a lot more convincing if it did not seem that EVERY OTHER person in Trump's Administration did not seem to have ties to Russian oligarchs.


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