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Saturday, 29 April 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any investigations into Michael Flynn.

Uh...I think I'm busy that day.
Courtesy of Politico:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday that his recusal from Justice Department investigations into the 2016 campaign for president will extend into inquiries into the activities of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, under fire for his ties to foreign governments. 

“My recusal deals with the campaign issues,” Sessions told NBC’s “Today” show. “But I would expect not to be involved in this one.”

"You would recuse yourself from any decision dealing with general Flynn?" asked Today anchor Matt Lauer. 

"Yeah," Sessions replied.

This to me is a fairly clear indication that the Trump folks know that Flynn is well and truly fucked.

First the FBI and Justice Department refuse to grant any deals for immunity, and now the sitting Attorney General makes as much space as possible between himself and the former National Security Adviser.

If I were Flynn I would be flop sweating like crazy.


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