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Monday, 6 March 2017

War Machine just accused Donald Trump of a disgusting level of racism.

Don Cheadle as War machine in Iron Man 3
Courtesy of The Independent: 

The veteran Ocean's Eleven, Crash and Iron Man 2 star was in the depths of a heated debate when one Trump fan accused him of "Trump-hating way before treason" - a reference to the ongoing claims that the New York tycoon won the 2016 election with Russian backing.

"Hated him since he asked my friend's father at a Doral pro-am if he'd ever "f*cked a n****r..." Did it for me ...", Cheadle replied. He was referring to a mixed professional and amateur golf contest at Donald Trump's luxury resort in Doral, Miami.
He went on to claim the unnamed father was playing in a foursome with the billionaire tycoon. The man in question could not be named, Cheadle said, because his daughter was a celebrity.

Asked why he had not mentioned this story during the Presidential campaign, Cheadle said he didn't think it would have made any difference. 

"Many already know this to be in his nature. It's not hidden. And those who can't see it, might never. The story would have changed little," he wrote.

Cheadle has a point.

There was absolutely overwhelming evidence that this man was unfit to even visit much less take up residence in the White House.

And literally everything he has done since taking office has only reinforced that.

So no, this story would not have changed the outcome in any way.

However it is now just one more example we can cite when Trump supporters demand to know why we think he is a racist.

Because he fucking is, that's why.


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