I forgive nothing! |
There was a season in the Palin world when a strange author moved in right next door. He was a pretty famous guy in the book world, so people paid attention when he announced he’d moved all the way form (sic) New York to write a book about us. This wasn’t a shining season. Todd had to build a huge fence to separate the guy from practically being able to touch the kids when they played in the yard. (Once again Palin is insinuating that Joe was a pedophile. He was not, and her constant attempts to label him as such even after his death are indefensible.) It worked. Todd’s fence was more effective than our country’s nonexistent one along the border. But then the new neighbor resorted to standing high on his porch with binoculars to see what he could see.
(Also false, he was looking the other direction at the birds on the lake. Palin's house is behind him in this picture. Which THEY took of him by the way.) Thank God it only lasted a year and a half; then I could finally open my west-facing curtains again. His mission to “keep an eye on us” was complete for his hit-job book. (For the record I spent quite some time at Joe's house in Wasilla and the rules were that we could not look out his window and ogle the Palin property, invade their privacy in any way, or take any pictures.)
He was out for himself. (Actually he was out to tell the truth. Which he did.)
Everyone seems basically out for themselves. In my line of work I see it every day. If you don’t agree with someone’s view, they often pull out all the stops to condemn you. (Eek! Hypocrisy overload!) It’s brutal! I know it’s hard to understand the concept of forgiving someone who doesn’t want it, because they’d just as soon double up their efforts to insult.
I admit it: sometimes, my first reaction is retaliation. (Gee, really?) But we’re told to forgive. Even further, the Bible says to help our enemies! God tells us that vengeance is His, not ours. We need to lave (sic) that to God, because He is the true and final judge.
So to sum up we should all be more forgiving of everybody unless it's an author who wrote a book about us. Then we can just lie about this and continue to assassinate heir character. Is that right?
Personally I think Joe McGinniss did this country a great service by exposing this lunatic, and for that I count him as an American hero.
Source http://ift.tt/2n2N0wZ