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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Dick Cheney thinks that Russian meddling in our election could be an act of war. And I agree with him.

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

In a wide-ranging speech at the Economic Times' Global Business Summit on Monday, former US Vice President Dick Cheney spoke unequivocally about Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.


"There's no question that there was a very serious effort made by Mr. Putin and his government, his organization, to interfere in major ways with our basic fundamental democratic processes," Cheney said. 

"In some quarters, that could be considered an act of war. "I would not underestimate the weight that we as Americans assign to Russian attempts to interfere with our process," Cheney concluded.

Now I think we all know that Dick Cheney is a warmonger's warmonger, and would likely start World War 3 over somebody taking his parking place, but he is not wrong here. 

Now I am not suggesting that we need to start bombing Moscow, but I am suggesting that America's policy toward Russia be one of dealing with a hostile nation bent on undermining our democracy.

Trump's talk of unilaterally working to improve our relationship with Russia should be seen as treasonous in light of what they did during the 2016 election.

Before we can start rebuilding any kind of trust with Russia we need to first punish them for what they did in 2016 by issuing the kinds of sanctions that will make the people rise up against Putin and retake their country from the oligarchs who are oppressing them and stealing their wealth.

That is the kind of financial warfare which seems appropriate here.

And in fact we are already starting to see those protests taking place.

Now if you will excuse me I have to wash my mind out with soap for agreeing with Dick "Shot him right in the face" Cheney.


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