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Monday, 20 February 2017

Today thousands will celebrate President's Day by protesting the one in the White House right now.

Courtesy of NBC News:  

Thousands of people nationwide have vowed to spend their Presidents Day Weekend protesting President Donald Trump and his policies at "Not My President's Day" rallies scheduled to take place in at least 25 cities across the country.

This went on through the entire weekend as well, but if you missed them here are some of the protests planned for today:  

"Not My President's Day -- Rally," Los Angeles 
"Not My President's Day -- Rally (NYC)" New York 
"Not My President's Day Rally (Washington DC)," Washington, D.C. 
"Not My President's Day -- Rally (Chicago)," Chicago 
"Presidents Day Protest KC," Kansas City, Missouri 
"Not My President's Day Rally," Denver 
"Not My President's Day March," Milwaukee, Wisconsin 
"Not My President's Day," Salt Lake City 
"ImPEACH NOW! (Not My) President's Day March," Atlanta 

Gee it looks as if this activism which started right after Trump's inauguration, and that the Right Wing predicted would peter out quickly, is not doing much petering.  

And don't worry if you, like me, are unable to attend any of these rallies.

You can still do your part by writing a letter to your Senators or Congressman, or sending a brief message of dissatisfaction to President Bannon.

Also keep in mind that it is ALWAYS "Not My President" day here on IM.


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