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Saturday, 11 February 2017

So exactly what was going on with Donald Trump's extremely uncomfortable meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister yesterday?

Did you see the Prime Minister pull away at the end of that handshake and then roll his eyes?

Shinzō Abe looked like a college girl who had finally managed to get away from a groping frat boy at a kegger.

And that was not the only bizarre moment from the meeting.
A number of other attendees pointed this out on Twitter, while also noting that Trump was trying to respond and even laugh at the appropriate moments by watching the reactions of those who WERE wearing their translation earpieces.

This confused at least one reporter enough to wonder if perhaps Trump knew how to speak Japanese.
That of course is ridiculous since Trump has not even managed to master the English language after 70 years of trying to speak it.
In the end a CNN reporter summed the whole thing up for a bewildered Wolf Blitzer.

Remember THIS is the guy that the Russians chose to represent America to the world.

Clearly they still hate us for the cold war.


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