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Thursday, 16 February 2017

New revelations about the Trump administration's ties with Russia once again shine the light on FBI Director James Comey.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Less than two weeks before Election Day 2016, Comey announced that the FBI was again investigating whether there were previously unreleased emails from Hillary Clinton on a laptop that she did not own. Comey felt voters needed to know this even though the search warrant showed that the FBI had “no new evidence” that Clinton had done anything wrong. Now we know that when Comey spoke up about Clinton while remaining silent about allegations of contact between Trump’s team and the Russian government, not only were there mere allegations but also concrete evidence that such contact was frequent and ongoing.

It gets worse for the FBI director. The Post reported Tuesday that near the end of the transition from the Obama administration to the Trump administration, outgoing CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. wanted to tell the Trump team that Michael Flynn had misled incoming Vice President Pence and others on his contacts with Russian officials. Comey disagreed: 

The FBI director pushed back primarily on the grounds that notifying the new administration could complicate the agency’s investigation. The bureau, Comey also insisted, shouldn’t be “the truth police,” according to an official familiar with his thinking at the time. “In other words, if there’s not a violation of law here, it’s not our job to go and tell the vice president that he’s been lied to.” 

This is, to put it politely, utter garbage. Comey believed that the entire country needed to know that a presidential candidate might be connected to information on a laptop that she didn’t own, but the vice president did not need to be told privately that a key presidential adviser was definitely lying about his relationship with a foreign government. The inconsistency leaves one speechless. 

To be clear, Comey’s disgraceful intervention was not the sole cause of Clinton’s loss. But every way of looking at the numbers show that it was the most decisive factor. Without Comey intervening, the Oval Office would be likely be occupied by a different person right now. And with every new revelation, the interference appears less and less justified. The sooner he faces the consequences for his colossal mistake the better.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to type out a post while cussing a blue streak? 

Well for the record it is damn hard.

At this point I think that at least one of our intelligence agencies or Congress should be investigating James Comey and trying to discover what motivated his intrusion on Trump's behalf into the 2016 election.

Look I don't know if the Russians were blackmailing him, if Trump simply paid him off, or if he is just a partisan hack. But there is some reason why he did what he did, and why he did not do his job as it pertained to Trump and his ties to Russia, and the American people deserve a fucking answer.


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