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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Mitch McConnell met by nearly a thousand protesters in his home state.

Courtesy of WUKY: 

Nearly a thousand people have crowded behind a chain link fence to try to catch Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's attention as he made his first stop on a tour of Kentucky during the congressional recess.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell fielded a series of heated questions during his first speech in a tour of Kentucky during the congressional recess. 

McConnell did not answer questions about the deadly raid in Yemen or coal jobs continuing to disappear, and instead thanked the questioners for their "speeches." 

One woman shouted, "if you answer that, I'll sit down and shut up like Elizabeth Warren." She was referencing the now-infamous event on the Senate floor earlier this month when McConnell ordered the Democratic senator from Massachusetts to sit down during the fight over Jeff Sessions' confirmation as attorney general.

The protesters on Tuesday chanted, "No ban, no wall, Mitch McConnell take our call," a reference to the senator's clogged voicemail system during the first month of Donald Trump's presidency.

This of course is only one example of the many protests and contentious town halls that are happening around the country.

The election of Donald Trump has inspired a kind of fervent activism unlike anything I have every seen before. And I love it!

And of course he hates it.
Nice try, but I think that will only make these people even more passionate.

And it is not only happening in public, behind the scenes there are e-mails being sent and phone call being made on an almost continuous basis to just about every Senatorial and Congressional office in the country.

In some cases they are even going old school.

Courtesy of Five Thirty Eight:  

On Feb. 1, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins gave back-to-back speeches on the Senate floor stating their intention to vote against the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education. This was a big deal: If one more Republican came out against Trump’s nominee, DeVos would be voted down, unless a Democrat also broke ranks. That’s when the faxes really started to pour into Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey’s Washington office. He’d already been averaging a few hundred a day ever since President Trump was inaugurated; that afternoon, the number shot up to more than 300 an hour.

Really? Faxes? I don't even have a fax machine anymore.

But you have to admit it is certainly hard to ignore 300 faxes coming into your office every hour.

That is the kind of pressure that changes votes.


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