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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

In order to defend his Muslim ban Donald Trump claims that media is not reporting terrorist attacks. Media responds with public spanking.

Courtesy of CBS News: 

The president began talking about how “radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland” as they did on 9/11, in the Boston bombings and in San Bernardino. He said it’s also happening “all over Europe” like in Paris and Nice. 

“It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. In many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons and you understand that,” Mr. Trump said. 

There is no evidence that any media outlet is covering up terrorist attacks.

Later the White House walked back this claim a little by releasing a list of "terrorist attacks" that they claim were under reported.
(The list by the way completely excludes the Charleston shooting by a White Supremcist, and a number of other attacks by white folks as well. Coincidence?)

Problem is that most of the incidents listed WERE reported which inspired various news outlets to run footage of their reporters reporting on them.

Here is CNN doing exactly that.
Apparently this idea of the media not reporting on terrorist attacks in order to minimize them, was a talking point borrowed from Info Wars.

And if that was not bad enough there was also this tidbit of information.
Yeah, let's chalk this up to yet another failure by Donald Trump to dismiss facts and attempt to alter reality to fit his vision of what it SHOULD be. 


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