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Monday, 20 February 2017

Donald Trump admits that he got that fake Sweden attack story from Fox News, and then attacks media for pointing out it was fake.

So to be clear it was not the fault of Fox News for reporting a now debunked fake news story, or Donald Trump's fault for then exaggerating it to make a point.

Instead it is the fault of the media for doing their job to point out that the story is false.


Does that mean that all of these tweets from Sweden mocking Trump for making shit up about their country  are ALSO fake?

Trust me, there are many more at the link.

But see that's the thing.

After being mocked during the Bush administration for having a barely coherent, short bus riding, moron in the White House, we then had eight years of the coolest, most intelligent, leader on the planet.

During those eight years other countries looked at us with envy.

And then what happens? We end up with a guy so ill informed and stupid that he makes George W. Bush look like an intellectual giant.  


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