The first part of the poorly written post deals with an incident in New York, and then extrapolates to include, as always, a member of the Palin family.
In this case poor put upon little Piper Palin:
Recently, my 10th grade sister actually just had something awkward happen to her at school. A liberal teacher, someone who has always hated my mom, went on a rant about President Donald Trump. This alone should be disturbing, but you can see it happens all over the nation to unsuspecting kids all the time. Of course, this teacher’s political rant turned into and (sic) anti-Sarah Palin rant. (Because why wouldn’t it?)
Then, the teacher told the kids in his class that they should tell Piper what he said and how they feel about my mom’s politics!
I couldn’t believe it.
A few days later, after the teacher was sent to the principal’s office – literally – and interviewed by the principal, the teacher apologized to my dad.
But what about the damage done to the kids in that class? What about the fact that teachers across America feel perfectly fine teaching kids THEIR version of American politics… what happens when people are spewing their political beliefs and the politician’s kid ISN’T in the class?
I hope teachers start suffering some consequences (Yeah. I'll bet you do.)– but you know that probably won’t happen!
Okay first off we should remember that before Donald Trump was busy lying everyday to the American people, Sarah Palin and her family were doing that already.
Secondly this supposedly happened in a Wasilla school, in one of the reddest parts of the state.
Do we really believe that in that atmosphere a teacher would let their liberal flag fly?
The word you are looking for here is "unlikely."
My take is that, at Sarah's urging, Bristol's ghostwriter took a completely unrelated incident and worked to somehow make it about the poor downtrodden Palins being victimized once again by some heartless liberal.
We have seen this play out time and time again. (Remember Joe McGinniss supposedly peeking through Piper's bedroom window?)
I will say this, comparing Bristol's ghostwritten blog to her mother's click bait saturated ghostwritten "website," certainly makes Bristol's look ten times better.
I mean at least there is sometimes actual content there, whereas Palin's is empty and devoid of any personality at all.
In this case poor put upon little Piper Palin:
Recently, my 10th grade sister actually just had something awkward happen to her at school. A liberal teacher, someone who has always hated my mom, went on a rant about President Donald Trump. This alone should be disturbing, but you can see it happens all over the nation to unsuspecting kids all the time. Of course, this teacher’s political rant turned into and (sic) anti-Sarah Palin rant. (Because why wouldn’t it?)
Then, the teacher told the kids in his class that they should tell Piper what he said and how they feel about my mom’s politics!
I couldn’t believe it.
A few days later, after the teacher was sent to the principal’s office – literally – and interviewed by the principal, the teacher apologized to my dad.
But what about the damage done to the kids in that class? What about the fact that teachers across America feel perfectly fine teaching kids THEIR version of American politics… what happens when people are spewing their political beliefs and the politician’s kid ISN’T in the class?
I hope teachers start suffering some consequences (Yeah. I'll bet you do.)– but you know that probably won’t happen!
Okay first off we should remember that before Donald Trump was busy lying everyday to the American people, Sarah Palin and her family were doing that already.
Secondly this supposedly happened in a Wasilla school, in one of the reddest parts of the state.
Do we really believe that in that atmosphere a teacher would let their liberal flag fly?
The word you are looking for here is "unlikely."
My take is that, at Sarah's urging, Bristol's ghostwriter took a completely unrelated incident and worked to somehow make it about the poor downtrodden Palins being victimized once again by some heartless liberal.
We have seen this play out time and time again. (Remember Joe McGinniss supposedly peeking through Piper's bedroom window?)
I will say this, comparing Bristol's ghostwritten blog to her mother's click bait saturated ghostwritten "website," certainly makes Bristol's look ten times better.
I mean at least there is sometimes actual content there, whereas Palin's is empty and devoid of any personality at all.