Now hold on, we can't be wasting our time investigating Donald Trump. We still have Clinton e-mails to read. |
The election may be over, but the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will continue its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use at the State Department, Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz told reporters Monday.
“This was never a political targeting from the beginning. Just because there’s a political election doesn’t mean it goes away. So of course I’m going to continue to pursue that,” Chaffetz said.
He said it remained a priority for the committee, though he noted, “I’ve got a lot of top priorities.”
“It’s potentially one of the largest breaches of security in the history of the State Department. It cannot and should never be repeated again. How was it that so much information was able to migrate out the door? These are still open questions that we need to finish up so they don’t happen again.”
No, it was by no measure "one of the largest breaches of security in history."
If Chaffetz is looking for that he may want to keep his eyes on the incoming administration.
The hate these Republicans have for Hillary Clinton verges on the psychotic.
Which, by the way, is yet another reason why we needed her as our President.
After all the only reason for them to fear and hate her this much is because of what they thought she might accomplish while occupying of the White House.
And anybody who terrifies the Republicans this much, will always be my number one pick for Commander-in-Chief.