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Thursday, 5 January 2017

Pentagon awards President Obama the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. Sarah Palin stomps her bony feet in protest.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

President Obama on Wednesday received the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service from Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, prompting a backlash from critics that include former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R). But the award is more common than they apparently know, as numerous senior officials have received it, including the last two presidents. 

The award was adopted in 1947 and recognizes “exceptionally distinguished service of significance to the Department of Defense as a whole or distinguished service of such exceptional significance” to a part of the Defense Department for their awards to be considered insufficient, according to a Pentagon fact sheet on the award. 

“The service or assistance may have been rendered at considerable personal sacrifice and inconvenience that was motivated by patriotism, good citizenship, and a sense of public responsibility,” the fact sheet said. 

Palin criticized the decision Wednesday night, saying “this is what happens when you grow up thinking every kid gets a trophy.” She shared a Breitbart News Network story with the sarcastic, if incorrect, headline: “President Obama awards himself Distinguished Public Service Medal.”
No, he did not "award himself" a medal. He fucking earned it by being one of the greatest presidents in our lifetime.

You know I saw part of the speech that the President made at this event and it was extremely emotional for both he and members of the audience.

The President demonstrated great respect for those involved the defense department, and expressed his gratitude to them for the hard work they have done on behalf of the American people.

In contrast Sarah Palin demonstrates her pettiness and lack of respect by mischaracterizing this award ceremony and farewell speech in the way that she has in that tweet.

But then what more could we expect from the meanest of the mean girls.

Perhaps she should go back to giving Julian Assange a reach around, and blowing kisses at Vladimir Putin.  

She has chosen her side, and it is clearly not the side for America.


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