Courtesy of US News:
John D. Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who taught psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, minces as few words as the president in his professional assessment of Trump.
"Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president," says Gartner, author of "In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography." Trump, Gartner says, has "malignant narcissism," which is different from narcissistic personality disorder and which is incurable.
Gartner acknowledges that he has not personally examined Trump, but says it's obvious from Trump's behavior that he meets the diagnostic criteria for the disorder, which include anti-social behavior, sadism, aggressiveness, paranoia and grandiosity. Trump's personality disorder (which includes hypomania) is also displayed through a lack of impulse control and empathy, and "a feeling that people ... don't recognize their greatness.
"We've seen enough public behavior by Donald Trump now that we can make this diagnosis indisputably," says Gartner. His comments run afoul of the so-called Goldwater Rule, the informal term for part of the ethics code of the American Psychiatric Association saying it is wrong to provide a professional opinion of a public figure without examining that person and gaining consent to discuss the evaluation. But Gartner says the Trump case warrants breaking that ethical code.
I work in the mental health industry but I am not a psychotherapist nor really qualified to diagnose somebody, especially from a distance.
However everything that Dr. Gartner says certainly rings true.
And if it is accurate that means we have a VERY, VERY serious problem.
It is important to note that malignant narcissism is a term that is not officially recognized in the DSM V, and that a more accurate diagnosis of similar symptoms would likely yield a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder combined.
To get an accurate idea of how that diagnosis might present itself, think of Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho."
Yes, THAT Patrick Bateman.
So should we be worried?
Fuck yeah we should be worried.
This is more than likely the most unhinged lunatic that we have EVER put into the White House.
And if at this point you STILL think things are somehow going to be fine, then not only are you ignoring everything that we are seeing for ourselves about Trump right now, but perhaps YOU have a mental illness as well.
John D. Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who taught psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, minces as few words as the president in his professional assessment of Trump.
"Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president," says Gartner, author of "In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography." Trump, Gartner says, has "malignant narcissism," which is different from narcissistic personality disorder and which is incurable.
Gartner acknowledges that he has not personally examined Trump, but says it's obvious from Trump's behavior that he meets the diagnostic criteria for the disorder, which include anti-social behavior, sadism, aggressiveness, paranoia and grandiosity. Trump's personality disorder (which includes hypomania) is also displayed through a lack of impulse control and empathy, and "a feeling that people ... don't recognize their greatness.
"We've seen enough public behavior by Donald Trump now that we can make this diagnosis indisputably," says Gartner. His comments run afoul of the so-called Goldwater Rule, the informal term for part of the ethics code of the American Psychiatric Association saying it is wrong to provide a professional opinion of a public figure without examining that person and gaining consent to discuss the evaluation. But Gartner says the Trump case warrants breaking that ethical code.
I work in the mental health industry but I am not a psychotherapist nor really qualified to diagnose somebody, especially from a distance.
However everything that Dr. Gartner says certainly rings true.
And if it is accurate that means we have a VERY, VERY serious problem.
It is important to note that malignant narcissism is a term that is not officially recognized in the DSM V, and that a more accurate diagnosis of similar symptoms would likely yield a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder combined.
To get an accurate idea of how that diagnosis might present itself, think of Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho."
Yes, THAT Patrick Bateman.
So should we be worried?
Fuck yeah we should be worried.
This is more than likely the most unhinged lunatic that we have EVER put into the White House.
And if at this point you STILL think things are somehow going to be fine, then not only are you ignoring everything that we are seeing for ourselves about Trump right now, but perhaps YOU have a mental illness as well.