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Tuesday, 3 January 2017

It looks like Donald Trump may have found somebody else to perform at his inauguration, with conditions.

Courtesy of the BBC: 

Rebecca Ferguson says she's been asked to perform at Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony. 

The singer tweeted she would "graciously accept" the invitation from the American president-elect if she can perform Strange Fruit.

Here is what Ferguson tweeted in response:  

I've been asked and this is my answer. If you allow me to sing "strange fruit" a song that has huge historical importance, a song that was blacklisted in the United States for being too controversial. A song that speaks to all the disregarded and down trodden black people in the United States. A song that is a reminder of how love is the only thing that will conquer all the hatred in this world, then I will graciously accept your invitation and see you in Washington. Best Rebecca X

Here is the song she is referencing, as sung by India Ari:

So in a nutshell this black female singer will perform at the inauguration of the man who was endorsed by the KKK and supported by supremacists, IF she is allowed to sing a song about black people in America being lynched by those very same people.

Sounds like a deal to me.

And I want the camera focused squarely on Donald Trump's or Stephen Bannon's face while she sings it.


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