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Wednesday, 11 January 2017

If you thought that nobody who was not on Trump's payroll could possibly defend his "press conference" earlier today, well you my friend have not met Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of the Trashy Trump Tramp's Facebook page:

Thank God...really, literally... thank God we're not facing a third Obama term. If you caught PE-Trump's first presser today, you saw it. (Well we certainly saw something alright.)

THANK YOU for creating the movement that shook things up to get America on the right road. 

We now have responsibility to hold accountable a new team that is needed for such a time as this. For a myriad of reasons, be grateful for the opportunity to do so. (What is she babbling about?)

For one, when PE-Trump takes on corrupt lying lapdog media it is vindication and validation for those without a microphone who've been shot by reporters engaged in politics of personal destruction. (Did I miss the story where reporters shot somebody? That seems very unlike me.)

These "journalists" - bad characters that they are - hurt our nation tremendously; they disrespect those who fought and died to protect America's freedom of the press; they spit upon the graves of our veterans. We deem those reporters and their publications irrelevant now. ("We deem?" Who's this "we?")

 HOPE in this arena soars upon seeing a fearless leader take on injustice. (The so called "injustice" he was taking on was just a new unverified report following a string of verified reports on Russia's influence over Donald Trump.)

APPRECIATION fills our heart when our new President exudes our collective red, white and blue courage in the face of purveyors of yellow journalism. Press members have worked as a herd of lost little lazy sheep. The herd is now decimated. (Well somebody does not like the First Amendment now do they?)

America's challenges can now be tackled with seriousness. 

The impossible burden of dealing with unethical mediums is off our shoulder - and that's one less excuse leaders will have as we ask them to finally do the job we send them to do in Washington. (Okay so does Palin actually think journalism is dead in this country just because Donald Trump insulted one news outlet?)

The equally important excuse of "having no power" is gone now, too, so the independent commonsense public servants whom we hired with our votes must plow through the muck and mire and DRAIN THE SWAMP. 

The GOP controls the purse strings and now also finally the pen administering the checks. 

Get us out of debt. 

Get off the addiction to OPM - spending Other People's Money. We the people and our activism is the antidote. 

Let leaders know we have their back, trusting they have ours. 

*** And stay tuned for the next step in finally shooing away the pesky numbskulls in what was once "mainstream" media. I'm going to do my part. I'll soon announce the most helpful, satisfying, exciting leap YOU can take with me as we help build America's future together. *** 

(Uh oh, it looks like Palin might be ready to launch another Sarah Palin Channel for her five remaining supporters.)

It's going to be great again! 

 - Sarah Palin

Okay did she even see the same shit show I saw today?

What am I saying? Of course she didn't.

What she saw through her special Trump brand  rose colored glasses was a shirtless Russell Crowe slaying his opponents one after the other with his golden sword of truth.

And clearly she believes that Trump's one "press conference" has destroyed the mainstream media and that he can now do what he wants without fear of exposure.

Somehow I doubt that is going to be the outcome here.

I actually think that the media is going to amp up their investigations of Trump, and that he faces years of embarrassing and damaging exposes written about him during his time in office, however short that may be.

I also think that his bragging about how smart he and the RNC were in not being hacked means that there are computer experts all over the world currently limbering up their fingers in preparation for making him eat those words.

And do you know who will report on it when they are successful?

That's right, the fully functioning and revitalized media.

Suck on that Sarah!


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