Courtesy of Raw Story:Trump just literally blew a kiss to James Comey at a WH reception for law enforcement
— Richard Hine (@richardhine) January 22, 2017
On Sunday evening, Pres. Donald Trump welcomed FBI Director James Comey and a group of law enforcement personnel and first responders to a White House ceremony and appeared to not only blow Comey a kiss across the room, but also nuzzled his cheek in what looked like a kiss.
“Oh, here’s Jim,” said Trump in video from the White House before he made a moue-like shape with his lips that some viewers say looked an awful lot like the new president was blowing Comey a kiss.
“He’s become more famous than me,” Trump said as Comey crossed the room to his side, where the director received a hug and what appeared to be a peck on the cheek.
What do you think he whispered into his ear?
"Heck of a job Comey?"
One has to wonder if Trump is not attempting to influence the investigation into some members of his team by the intelligence agencies?
Currently they seem to be focusing on his new National Security Advisor:
U.S. counterintelligence agents investigated National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian officials, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night.
Flynn is the first person inside President Trump’s White House whose communications are known to have been combed as part of a multiagency investigation by the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency, among others, into whether Russia’s government secretly helped elect Trump.
Yeah, I think that Trump would very much like to put a stop to this.