Yes Vlad things are going as planned, except everybody hates me and it's not as fun as you told me it would be. |
President Trump chatted with Vladimir Putin Saturday, his first known conversation since taking office with the Russian leader he frequently complimented on the campaign trail.
A gaggle of White House staffers — Vice President Pence, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon — were in the room when Trump made the call.
It is not clear what the two presidents talked about.
Oh I think I can guess the topic of conversation.
Putin put Trump in place to remove the sanctions, and that is what he expects him to do.
Do you notice that both Bannon and Flynn are in the room for the phone call?After speaking with Chancellor Merkel for 45 minutes @POTUS is now onto his 3rd of 5 head of government calls, speaking w Russian Pres Putin— Sean Spicer (@PressSec) January 28, 2017
Bannon is essentially running the show by writing the executive orders that Trump signs, and Flynn is his go between with Putin.
As reported earlier I think Pence and Priebus were forced on Trump in order to keep up appearances for the photograph.
I would bet money that there is a more private conversation later, assuming of course that there have not already been several private conversations before this.