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Thursday, 15 December 2016

The Twitter-in-Chief is being all presidential again.


Well apparently this is in response to their review of his restaurant in Trump Tower. Calling it "The Worst Restaurant in America."

I especially like this part:As my companions and I contemplated the most painless way to eat our flaccid, gray Szechuan dumplings with their flaccid, gray innards, as a campy version of “Jingle Bells” jackhammered in the background, a giant gold box tied with red ribbon toppled onto us. Trump, it seemed, was already fighting against the War on Christmas.

It should also be noted that there is a long standing feud between Trump and the editor of Vanity Fair,  Graydon Carter, who was famously the person who first described Trump as a "short fingered vulgarian."

Next target, the media.
You know if somebody were to finally release their tax returns we could all see that for ourselves.

I know, not gonna happen.

And finally, for now at least:
Actually the White House announced almost a month before the election that there was evidence that Russia was meddling in the election.

If they had spoken out more aggressively to declare that the election was now tainted, there would have been a huge outcry from the Republicans and Right Wing news outlets saying that the Obama Administration were themselves now interfering with the outcome of the election.

The White House really could not do anything except hope that the media did their jobs, and that the American people were smart enough to see through Trump's bullshit.

Sadly they were disappointed on both fronts.

And that my friends is a preview of the next four years.

Odin help us all.


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