So finally after stubbornly refusing to give IM a Facebook presence, I caved in yesterday and created this page.
One of my faults as a blogger is that I am resistant to self promotion.
I do not typically post links to my blog on Reddit, or HuffPo, or any other news outlets or websites.
To me that has always seemed arrogant and conceited.
And for quite awhile this blog did just fine through word of mouth and the occasional glare of national attention.
However things have now changed.
As you have been reading in my recent posts, websites promoting fake news have managed to increase their clicks by huge margins simply by using the tools available to them on Facebook.
In fact fake news has overwhelmed actual news to the point where facts and truth have been all but drowned out completely.
So in order to compete against all of that it is important that rather than rejecting Facebook we start using it as a means to inform and do good, rather than simply a place to disseminate lies and do evil.
To accomplish that I need all of you to provide a little help.
If you can help spread spread the word and introduce IM to a few more folks on your friends list that would be of great help.
Also many of you will be pleased that on Facebook there is a "Like" button which folks have been asking me to put here for years. So now you can like IM to your heart's content.
Trust me with Donald Trump in office we have much to do, and with your help I think we can have some impact.
Oh and yes, there is a little unfinished Sarah Palin business to tie up as well.
Thank you for your years of support, and thank you for the support on Facebook that I know you will continue to provide.

One of my faults as a blogger is that I am resistant to self promotion.
I do not typically post links to my blog on Reddit, or HuffPo, or any other news outlets or websites.
To me that has always seemed arrogant and conceited.
And for quite awhile this blog did just fine through word of mouth and the occasional glare of national attention.
However things have now changed.
As you have been reading in my recent posts, websites promoting fake news have managed to increase their clicks by huge margins simply by using the tools available to them on Facebook.
In fact fake news has overwhelmed actual news to the point where facts and truth have been all but drowned out completely.
So in order to compete against all of that it is important that rather than rejecting Facebook we start using it as a means to inform and do good, rather than simply a place to disseminate lies and do evil.
To accomplish that I need all of you to provide a little help.
If you can help spread spread the word and introduce IM to a few more folks on your friends list that would be of great help.
Also many of you will be pleased that on Facebook there is a "Like" button which folks have been asking me to put here for years. So now you can like IM to your heart's content.
Trust me with Donald Trump in office we have much to do, and with your help I think we can have some impact.
Oh and yes, there is a little unfinished Sarah Palin business to tie up as well.
Thank you for your years of support, and thank you for the support on Facebook that I know you will continue to provide.