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Saturday, 10 December 2016

Sarah Palin promotes fake news story while slamming young people for getting and education. (The Palins don't cotton to no "edjumication.")

This of course links once again to that "Young Conservative" page which I think we all know is probably run by a bunch of middle aged white dudes.

On the site it misrepresents one of the Podesta e-mails that Russia so kindly hacked so that it could be used to defeat Hillary and undermine our democracy.

The e-mail references a Clinton Global initiative staff member bragging that they "had" Colbert do a show interviewing Bill Clinton.

The tag line after the e-mail on the YC page says, "So, kids thought they were smart because they’re informed by a comedian, yet said comedian was just doing Hillary’s bidding the whole time."

Essentially the conservatives seem to think that millennials seeing a person being interviewed  by a comedian will trick them into becoming liberals.

What makes this even more ridiculous is that Stephen Colbert already addressed this Wikileaks leak, and mocked its conclusions, two day ago. (Fun starts at the 4:30 mark.)

You know perhaps somebody ought to explain to Palin that since she is now pushing a story promoted by Wikileaks, which is based on hacked data from the Russian government, that she is now doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.

That is quite a change for the woman who once claimed that she single handedly kept Putin out of Alaska during her time as Governor.

Don'tcha think?


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