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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Producer from the Apprentice is astounded that people bought their bullshit and elected their fake reality star to be president.

Here are a few excerpts from this article over at Vanity Fair:  

The Apprentice contributed to that. People lapped up what the producers were putting out, and the danger became real as news directors, desperate to compete with ratings, started putting music under soft news stories. Facebook started pushing altogether fake news. Opinions on Twitter became truths over lies. People were prone to clickbait no matter how salacious or factually questionable it was, and the entire journalism world turned on its head. 

At the very same time, some clever producers were putting forth a manufactured story about a billionaire whose empire was, in actuality, crumbling at the very same time he took the job, the salary, and ownership rights to do a reality show. The Apprentice was a scam put forth to the public in exchange for ratings. We were “entertaining,” and the story about Donald Trump and his stature fell into some bizarre public record as “truth.” This is nothing new, and the impact it’s having on the history of the world is best depicted in the Academy Award-winning film Network, a satire.

So essentially just about everything that people think they know about Trump's "success" was written for the caricature of himself that he played on TV.

The producer, Bill Pruitt, also ads this: 

We are masterful storytellers and we did our job well. What’s shocking to me is how quickly and decisively the world bought it. Did we think this clown, this buffoon with the funny hair, would ever become a world leader? Not once. Ever. Would he and his bombastic nature dominate in prime-time TV? We hoped so. Now that the lines of fiction and reality have blurred to the horrifying extent that they have, those involved in the media must have their day of reckoning. People are buying our crap. 

You have probably all read comments by that insignificant little troll POS who keeps remarking that liberals are "lost in the wilderness." But the ironic part of that statement is that liberals knew that electing Trump would abandon this country in that wilderness and so we fought hard to prevent it. 

And we are not by any stretch of the imagination alone in that wilderness, the conservatives, racists, Islamophobes, and Xenophobes are right there with us, they are just too fucking slow on the uptake to realize it.

In fact the ONLY people who are not soon going to be stumbling around in the darkness looking for a way out are the big business folks who are about to have the best, most financially lucrative, four years of their careers.

And Donald Trump is signaling that truth with every new cabinet member he puts in place.

I mean does anybody REALLY think that the new Secretary of State Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson is going to put the needs of this country ahead of the only company he has ever worked for?

Or that Rick Perry is NOT going to fuck up the Department of Energy?

Or that the WWE's Linda McMahon knows dick about small business?

Or that Betsy DeVos does not believe she is on a mission from God to destroy the public education system?

Let's face it Trumpsters, you got tricked into watching a nationally broadcast reality show and convincing yourselves it was real.

And now you get to witness what happens when scripted reality crashes head first into actual reality.

Unfortunately the more intelligent of us, the ones who saw this coming from miles away, the ones you derisively label as "libtards," have to experience that reality right along with you.


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