Ooh, she looks qualified. |
Donald Trump believes that those who aspire to the most visible spots in his administration should not just be able to do the job, but also look the part.
“Presentation is very important because you’re representing America not only on the national stage but also the international stage, depending on the position,” said Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller.
To lead the Pentagon, Trump chose a rugged combat general, whom he compares to a historic one. At the United Nations, his ambassador will be a poised and elegant Indian American with a compelling immigrant backstory. As secretary of state, Trump tapped a neophyte to international diplomacy, but one whose silvery hair and boardroom bearing project authority.
The parade of potential job-seekers passing a bank of media cameras to board the elevators at Trump Tower has the feel of a casting call. It is no coincidence that a disproportionate share of the names most mentioned for jobs at the upper echelon of the Trump administration are familiar faces to obsessive viewers of cable news — of whom the president-elect is one.
“He likes people who present themselves very well, and he’s very impressed when somebody has a background of being good on television because he thinks it’s a very important medium for public policy,” said Chris Ruddy, chief executive of Newsmax Media and a longtime friend of Trump. “Don’t forget, he’s a showbiz guy. He was at the pinnacle of showbiz, and he thinks about showbiz. He sees this as a business that relates to the public.”
“The look might not necessarily be somebody who should be on the cover of GQ magazine or Vanity Fair,” Ruddy said. “It’s more about the look and the demeanor and the swagger.”
It may seem hard to believe that a guy who looks like an orangesicle melting in the sun would choose these important positions based on appearance, but considering the fact that this guy once owned the Miss Universe pageant and chooses his wives from a modeling catalogue that really does not seem that far fetched.
Especially if you remember that Trump also hired and fired female employees at his golf resort if they were "not pretty enough."
Even among his own children he clearly likes the pretty one the best.
Of course knowing this only makes the apparent passing over of Sarah Palin for a position in his administration even more humiliating for a woman who came out early in support of the pussy grabber, and whose entire persona is built around her now fading looks.
Source http://ift.tt/2i1DFmY