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Monday, 7 November 2016

Two former Bernie Sanders supporting members of the Washington state Electoral College are threatening to vote against Hillary Clinton, potentially throwing their state to Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

In the looming election, a solid majority of the American people could cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton. Yet, thanks to two guys from Washington state, Donald Trump could be sworn in as the next president of the United States. 

Two men who were selected as members of the Electoral College in the likely event that Clinton wins the state of Washington, are, at the very least, uncertain that they will honor the will of the people of their state. Robert Satiacum told the Seattle Times that he is “absolutely not” voting for Clinton and that “I hope it comes down to a swing vote and it’s me,” because then “she ain’t getting it. Maybe it’ll wake this country up.” 

The other likely elector, Bret Chiafalo, says that he has “not ruled out that possibility” of voting against Clinton.

The article goes on to point out that it is not impossible that this action could throw the state to Donald Trump.

So how does it happen that two simple minded dipshits like this got elected to the electoral college?


The fact that two men who think they have the right to override the will of their states’ voters were chosen as Democratic electors appears to be the fault of an utterly reckless method the Washington Democratic Party uses to name those electors. Electors were chosen at the state party convention in June, an event where so-called Bernie-or-Busters were overrepresented. 

In other words, rather than, say, allowing the party’s nominee to name reliable electors, the party chose to select electors during an emotional primary season at an event that could be gamed by a minority faction that was willing to sabotage the party if Democrats did not chose that faction’s preferred nominee.

Well I think my opinion of the Bernie Bros is fairly well known, and this does nothing but reinforce my belief that I was right about them all along. 

The very idea that any progressive would throw the election to a thin skinned megalomaniac merely out of spite demonstrates that these morons are too immature and under educated to participate in the election process.


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