Here are a few of the highlights from the New York Times piece.
Trump's state of mind:
He requires constant assurance that his candidacy is on track. “Look at that crowd!” he exclaimed a few days ago as he flew across Florida, turning to his young press secretary as a TV tuned to Fox News showed images of what he claimed were thousands of people waiting for him on the ground below.
And he is struggling to suppress his bottomless need for attention.
In the final days of the presidential campaign, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is a jarring split screen: the choreographed show of calm and confidence orchestrated by his staff, and the neediness and vulnerability of a once-boastful candidate now uncertain of victory.
On the surface, there is the semblance of stability that is robbing Hillary Clinton of her most potent weapon: Mr. Trump’s self-sabotaging eruptions, which have repeatedly undermined his candidacy. Underneath that veneer, turbulence still reigns, making it difficult for him to overcome all of the obstacles blocking his path to the White House.
On how his staff is controlling him:
Aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals.
Taking away Twitter turned out to be an essential move by his press team, which deprived him of a previously unfiltered channel for his aggressions.
On Thursday, as his plane idled on the tarmac in Miami, Mr. Trump spotted Air Force One outside his window. As he glowered at the larger plane, he told Ms. Hicks, his spokeswoman, to jot down a proposed tweet about President Obama, who was campaigning nearby for Mrs. Clinton.
“Why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs and fixing Obamacare?” Mr. Trump said. “Get back to work.” After some light editing — Ms. Hicks added “for the American people” at the end — she published it.
The article is filled with references to staff walking on eggshells around the famously brittle candidate, and doing their best to reshape bad news into more palatable positive information to keep him firmly in a state of denial.
They are essentially creating a fact free bubble within which Trump can remain calm, blissfully unaware of the damage that has been done to his campaign and the fact that any chance of victory is all a mirage.
Back on his plane, heading into the campaign’s final weekend, Mr. Trump reclined in his leather chair and refused to entertain any suggestions that his unorthodox, unpredictable and now uncertain campaign for the presidency would end in defeat.
“I’m going to win,” he said.
I think the day after this election Donald Trump's response is going to be reminiscent of a toddler who has just been told there is no more chocolate ice cream for dessert.
The only difference is that a toddler does not have millions of unstable supporters ready to take to the streets in protest, and with thoughts of civil war bubbling in their pea sized brains.
As always I urge you to read the entire article as it is a fascinating look into a megalomaniac's rapidly deteriorating political ambitions and the efforts that his sycophants are undertaking to keep him tranquil (Well as tranquil as Donald Trump ever gets.) and under control until election day.
Trump's state of mind:
He requires constant assurance that his candidacy is on track. “Look at that crowd!” he exclaimed a few days ago as he flew across Florida, turning to his young press secretary as a TV tuned to Fox News showed images of what he claimed were thousands of people waiting for him on the ground below.
And he is struggling to suppress his bottomless need for attention.
In the final days of the presidential campaign, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is a jarring split screen: the choreographed show of calm and confidence orchestrated by his staff, and the neediness and vulnerability of a once-boastful candidate now uncertain of victory.
On the surface, there is the semblance of stability that is robbing Hillary Clinton of her most potent weapon: Mr. Trump’s self-sabotaging eruptions, which have repeatedly undermined his candidacy. Underneath that veneer, turbulence still reigns, making it difficult for him to overcome all of the obstacles blocking his path to the White House.
On how his staff is controlling him:
Aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals.
Taking away Twitter turned out to be an essential move by his press team, which deprived him of a previously unfiltered channel for his aggressions.
On Thursday, as his plane idled on the tarmac in Miami, Mr. Trump spotted Air Force One outside his window. As he glowered at the larger plane, he told Ms. Hicks, his spokeswoman, to jot down a proposed tweet about President Obama, who was campaigning nearby for Mrs. Clinton.
“Why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs and fixing Obamacare?” Mr. Trump said. “Get back to work.” After some light editing — Ms. Hicks added “for the American people” at the end — she published it.
The article is filled with references to staff walking on eggshells around the famously brittle candidate, and doing their best to reshape bad news into more palatable positive information to keep him firmly in a state of denial.
They are essentially creating a fact free bubble within which Trump can remain calm, blissfully unaware of the damage that has been done to his campaign and the fact that any chance of victory is all a mirage.
Back on his plane, heading into the campaign’s final weekend, Mr. Trump reclined in his leather chair and refused to entertain any suggestions that his unorthodox, unpredictable and now uncertain campaign for the presidency would end in defeat.
“I’m going to win,” he said.
I think the day after this election Donald Trump's response is going to be reminiscent of a toddler who has just been told there is no more chocolate ice cream for dessert.
The only difference is that a toddler does not have millions of unstable supporters ready to take to the streets in protest, and with thoughts of civil war bubbling in their pea sized brains.
As always I urge you to read the entire article as it is a fascinating look into a megalomaniac's rapidly deteriorating political ambitions and the efforts that his sycophants are undertaking to keep him tranquil (Well as tranquil as Donald Trump ever gets.) and under control until election day.