Ignore the first six minutes where Mike Pence's wife drones on and on about....well I don't know what because I was too bored to bother listening.
Then Melania "Ve haf vays of making you talk Meester Bond" Trump does her catwalk out to the microphone accompanied by the song "Aquarius" for reasons that escape me entirely.
Courtesy of Jezebel:
In a speech on Thursday, Melania Trump—a woman who has utilized her own social media presence to encourage the harassment of journalist, and is the wife of a man who uses Twitter as a place to settle personal affronts, perceived or otherwise—described “our culture” as “too mean and too rough.”
In a speech rich with apparently unnoticed irony, Trump said:
"Like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side. We have seen this already. As adults, many of us are able to handle mean words, even lies. Children and teenagers can be fragile. They are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks and intelligence."
"Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially for children and teenagers. It’s never okay when a 12-year-old child is mocked. "
"We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other..."
Was anybody else just waiting or her to say "Fuck it" and endorse Hillary Clinton?
Or was that just me?
Here was the Daily Beast's take:
It was a fittingly bizarre closing pitch from a figure whose every moment on the campaign trail so far has been overshadowed by catastrophe. Girl-on-girl nude pics, ham-handed plagiarism, a defensive online mob that sent one reporter to the police for protection—2016’s Melania-centric headlines would have generated more attention if this wasn’t the most absurd election in modern American history. Perhaps more than any other single 2016 entity, Melania embodies the way this campaign’s non-stop lunacy has ruined irony forever.
Yeah, that's about right.
Personally I have to admit all I could think is that we are sitting here listening to a woman with a thick Slovenian accent talk about how her husband is going to "fix" America, isn't this about the time that Tom Cruise is being lowered into a vault somewhere to steal the secret plans that will prevent these people from subjugating our people and taking over our country?
Because if he isn't in there now, he better get his ass in there soon.
Source http://ift.tt/2fklCV8
Then Melania "Ve haf vays of making you talk Meester Bond" Trump does her catwalk out to the microphone accompanied by the song "Aquarius" for reasons that escape me entirely.
Courtesy of Jezebel:
In a speech on Thursday, Melania Trump—a woman who has utilized her own social media presence to encourage the harassment of journalist, and is the wife of a man who uses Twitter as a place to settle personal affronts, perceived or otherwise—described “our culture” as “too mean and too rough.”
In a speech rich with apparently unnoticed irony, Trump said:
"Like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side. We have seen this already. As adults, many of us are able to handle mean words, even lies. Children and teenagers can be fragile. They are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks and intelligence."
"Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially for children and teenagers. It’s never okay when a 12-year-old child is mocked. "
"We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other..."
Was anybody else just waiting or her to say "Fuck it" and endorse Hillary Clinton?
Or was that just me?
Here was the Daily Beast's take:
It was a fittingly bizarre closing pitch from a figure whose every moment on the campaign trail so far has been overshadowed by catastrophe. Girl-on-girl nude pics, ham-handed plagiarism, a defensive online mob that sent one reporter to the police for protection—2016’s Melania-centric headlines would have generated more attention if this wasn’t the most absurd election in modern American history. Perhaps more than any other single 2016 entity, Melania embodies the way this campaign’s non-stop lunacy has ruined irony forever.
Yeah, that's about right.
Personally I have to admit all I could think is that we are sitting here listening to a woman with a thick Slovenian accent talk about how her husband is going to "fix" America, isn't this about the time that Tom Cruise is being lowered into a vault somewhere to steal the secret plans that will prevent these people from subjugating our people and taking over our country?
Because if he isn't in there now, he better get his ass in there soon.
Source http://ift.tt/2fklCV8