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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK are all thrilled that Donald Trump chose Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist. And they are not alone.

Stephen Bannon
Courtesy of HuffPo: 

On the white supremacist internet forum Stormfront, users cheered Bannon’s appointment, calling him “[t]he man who will have Trump’s ear more than anyone else.” 

The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website that claims to be America’s “#1 alt-right” news source, was only disappointed by the fact that Trump didn’t make Bannon White House chief of staff. (Trump chose Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, for that position.) One comment on that story celebrated Bannon as “our man in the White House.” 

 Some white nationalists clearly view Bannon’s appointment as a signal that Trump won’t seek out a more moderate path, and see Bannon as someone who can hold the president-elect accountable for policy proposals like barring Muslims from the country and building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. 

Former KKK grand wizard David Duke, a vocal Trump supporter, praised Trump’s choice as “a good sign” on his radio show, saying Bannon has been “right on about a lot of issues.” 

Jared Taylor, editor of the white nationalist publication American Renaissance, echoed those sentiments. “I am happy that Steve Bannon will have a policy role in the White House, and I hope he helps President Trump keep the promises made by Candidate Trump,” Taylor told HuffPost. 

After festering on the margins of politics for decades, the white nationalist movement gained a significant boost during Trump’s presidential campaign ― and with the real estate mogul headed to the White House, its influence is only expected to grow. That’s in large part because white supremacist groups received a higher profile as Trump was slow to condemn them and even retweeted them on social media during his campaign.

So many deplorables, so little room in the basket.

These are the folks that are excited about Stephen Bannon, and these are the folks who were the most vocal supporters of Donald Trump.

Despite what you might have been told these last eight years we are not living in a post racist country, we are living in a country saturated in racism. And things are about to get much worse.

And hey ladies? Don't think that they are not going to be extra super sexist either.
Yeah, if you are not a white Christian man, this is no longer your country.

Still happy you sat out the election or voted third party?

Oh and there is one more person who is excited about the selection of Bannon, the Wasilla Wendigo.

Courtesy of Facebook:

The Steve Bannon I know is a passionate defender of freedom and he lives by example. He's a patriot; a military veteran and proud Army dad. Bannon's talents are on display in many venues, my favorite being his production of the documentary "The Undefeated.";

Please, watch the film "The Undefeated." Bannon understood the media's coverage of the 2008 election defined "injustice" and "double standard." More importantly, he did something about it. I'll be forever grateful, as will other Commonsense Conservatives who will not stand for the press's politics of personal destruction. A masterful work of wrecking the media's biased filter, Bannon captured truth. He'll do the same as we unite around our 45th President, Donald J. Trump. 

Leave it to Sarah Palin to trumpet her support for a racist misogynist pig, while also promoting a movie about herself. 

And they say she has no talent.


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