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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Jon Stewart talks about the Twitter war he had with Donald Trump way back in 2013, and what that tells you about the Republican candidate.

In case you are thinking that perhaps Jon Stewart is making this up, here is that tweet he mentioned from Donald Trump:
In response Stewart decides to respond in a somewhat similar fashion: 

“So I decide to tweet back at him, ‘Many people don’t know this but Donald Trump’s real name is Fuckface Von Clownstick. I wish he would embrace the Von Clownstick heritage,” Stewart said, quipping that “Lincoln used to get into this shit all the time.” 

“I swear to you, this is true — the man who very likely, given the FBI’s preference, be our next President then tweeted ‘Amazing how the haters and losers keep voting the name Fuckface von Clownstick like they are so original and no one else is doing it,” Stewart recalled, attempting not to laugh too much. “Then he tweeted ‘What’s funny about the name ‘Fuckface Von Clownstick? It was not coined by Jon Leibowitz; he stole it from a moron on Twitter.'” 

“So I tweet back, ‘We seem to have hit a F*ckface Von Nervestick,” Stewart continues. He then pointed out that right-wing superman Trump then went silent until four days later in the middle of the night until he tweeted “Little Jon Stewart is a pussy and would be hopeless in a debate with me.”

Stewart then tells the crowd to "Vote wisely this November."

Which of course is very good advice.

As I watched this I could not help but feel the loss of Jon Stewart's amazing wit in this terrible, emotionally draining campaign season.

Others are trying, they're doing their best to fill the void, but it's just not the same.

By the way I am currently sleeping as it is about 2:00 AM in Alaska, but don't let that dissuade you from posting a comment. I usually have to wake up an pee around this time anyway, and I'll check the comments before I go back to sleep.


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