Courtesy of the Young Conservatives:
“When you’re up to your eyeballs in alligators, it’s hard to see how to drain the swamp.”
Thanksgiving 2016 – could we be more blessed than we are with America’s opportunity and optimism to recapture her exceptionalism? Be thankful! (Yeah try keeping your breakfast down after reading that!)
And vigilant.
Word of caution to our competent, exciting, “for-such-a-time-as-this” new President who will let the people make America great again: in draining the swamp one must not create a new swamp. (It looks like Palin's new ghostwriter may be a first year English Major.)
Opponents who did everything in their power to destroy the people’s Trump Movement (The "people's Trump Movement?" Isn't that kind of like "The People's Republic of China?"), now scrambling to hop aboard, can allow us to be even more thankful once we hear how they would keep our train barreling toward new, fresh, ethical, non-political grounds to make America great again. How will they serve the mission – once vigorously opposed – well? (And not a very good English Major.)
What changed between the campaign they overtly or covertly sought to decimate, and today’s transition team assembly? Voters believe our winning candidate is the same man, with the same plans, same character… they did not like any of it then, so we must ask: have you changed? Or has he?
Those few of us who’ve served in office (However briefly.), having experienced this political phenomenon watching chameleons in self-preservation mode do their thing ("Do their thing?"), learned lots of lessons. Take it from us. Heaven forbid the same lessons be re-learned in this higher office as a result of sidling-up politicos who’d get President-elect Trump off-message. There just isn’t time. And we can’t take more betrayal. (Okay I actually think this new ghostwriter might be a college dropout. Or else at some point Palin pushed her aside and started just typing this herself.)
Thank God, literally, we’ll have a leader strong enough to withstand the wiles inherent in government. And thank God our eyes are open to threats against the promised drained swamp.
As Trump discerningly creates his political circle, be vigilant so the new team succeeds for we the people. Be courageous in staying ahead of threats sensed, and call them out. That’s our job, for such a time as this.
Sarah Palin
I have to admit it took me probably longer than it should have to stop giggling about the idea of Sarah Palin writing for the "Young Conservatives."
They must be awfully hard up for contributors.
AND they must not have seen a recent picture of her.
However on the plus side it looks like Palin has a fallback position now that she knows she is not on Trump's short list for his cabinet.
Yep now she can leave the constraints of Facebook and allow her incomprehensible word salad to flow through the pages of some news outlet that I have never even fucking heard of before.
Seriously, the Young Conservatives?
That sounds like some kind of Alt Right rock band which shows up to gigs in three piece suits and Oliver North haircuts.
And how is it possible that with Stephen Bannon as Trump's chief propagandist that she cannot get a writing job at Breitbart?
Or do they require basic writing skills and at least some comprehension of the English language?
“When you’re up to your eyeballs in alligators, it’s hard to see how to drain the swamp.”
Thanksgiving 2016 – could we be more blessed than we are with America’s opportunity and optimism to recapture her exceptionalism? Be thankful! (Yeah try keeping your breakfast down after reading that!)
And vigilant.
Word of caution to our competent, exciting, “for-such-a-time-as-this” new President who will let the people make America great again: in draining the swamp one must not create a new swamp. (It looks like Palin's new ghostwriter may be a first year English Major.)
Opponents who did everything in their power to destroy the people’s Trump Movement (The "people's Trump Movement?" Isn't that kind of like "The People's Republic of China?"), now scrambling to hop aboard, can allow us to be even more thankful once we hear how they would keep our train barreling toward new, fresh, ethical, non-political grounds to make America great again. How will they serve the mission – once vigorously opposed – well? (And not a very good English Major.)
What changed between the campaign they overtly or covertly sought to decimate, and today’s transition team assembly? Voters believe our winning candidate is the same man, with the same plans, same character… they did not like any of it then, so we must ask: have you changed? Or has he?
Those few of us who’ve served in office (However briefly.), having experienced this political phenomenon watching chameleons in self-preservation mode do their thing ("Do their thing?"), learned lots of lessons. Take it from us. Heaven forbid the same lessons be re-learned in this higher office as a result of sidling-up politicos who’d get President-elect Trump off-message. There just isn’t time. And we can’t take more betrayal. (Okay I actually think this new ghostwriter might be a college dropout. Or else at some point Palin pushed her aside and started just typing this herself.)
Thank God, literally, we’ll have a leader strong enough to withstand the wiles inherent in government. And thank God our eyes are open to threats against the promised drained swamp.
As Trump discerningly creates his political circle, be vigilant so the new team succeeds for we the people. Be courageous in staying ahead of threats sensed, and call them out. That’s our job, for such a time as this.
Sarah Palin
I have to admit it took me probably longer than it should have to stop giggling about the idea of Sarah Palin writing for the "Young Conservatives."
They must be awfully hard up for contributors.
AND they must not have seen a recent picture of her.
What? I'm still young. |
Yep now she can leave the constraints of Facebook and allow her incomprehensible word salad to flow through the pages of some news outlet that I have never even fucking heard of before.
Seriously, the Young Conservatives?
That sounds like some kind of Alt Right rock band which shows up to gigs in three piece suits and Oliver North haircuts.
And how is it possible that with Stephen Bannon as Trump's chief propagandist that she cannot get a writing job at Breitbart?
Or do they require basic writing skills and at least some comprehension of the English language?