Our real President at a Rhode Island bookstore. |
Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump in the popular vote surpassed 2 million Wednesday morning, according to Dave Wasserman of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.
Clinton has garnered 64,223,958 votes, compared to Trump’s 62,206,395 votes.
By Nov. 15, the Democratic nominee’s advantage had crossed the 1-million mark and ballooned to 1.5 million by Sunday.
This is now the largest discrepancy between the electoral college and the popular vote in American history.
So when that conservative family member starts strutting around the dinner table crowing about how your side lost and their side won, remind them that it is only because of our archaic voting system. And that in hearts of the majority of the American people Hillary Clinton is the actual winner.
Also remind them that Hillary Clinton was unjustifiably investigated and attacked by the Republicans over her private e-mail server in the early days of the campaign, even though the Bush administration also used private servers and destroyed 22 million e-mails that the American people were never allowed to see.
That led to a completely unprecedented FBI "investigation" which ultimately exonerated her.
Then remind them that the Russian government hacked the White House, the State Department, the DNC, and the Clinton Campaign all in an attempt to get a hold of Hillary's e-mails, most of which she managed to keep out of their clutches by utilizing that private server.
You might also remind them that the Russians then leaked what they DID find to Wikileaks who distributed it for media consumption in an attempt to help Donald Trump win this election.
At that point you should mention that when it looked like that might not be enough, and Clinton was handily leading in the polls, that FBI Director James Comey then broke longstanding protocol to essentially suggest that Hillary Clinton might still be under investigation due to new evidence that might or might not exist. (Of course it did not exist which is something Comey could easily have discovered well before his announcement.)
You may or may not inject into the conversation at that point the fact that there are also a number of top computer experts who are urging the Clinton campaign to call for a recount after finding a number of troubling discrepancies in the vote count.
To sum the whole thing up you might look into that smug face of theirs and declare that maybe Trump won, and maybe he didn't.
But what we know for sure is that he not only lied about his opponent at every opportunity, but that also he benefited from the criminal cyber attacks against our country by a foreign nation and the interference of the FBI, without whom he would NEVER have had a shot at wining.
In other words he would have lost if he had not cheated, and if others had not cheated on his behalf.
Then you reach over and grab that last serving of pumpkin pie, because you just won and you totally deserve it.
Source http://ift.tt/2gEpHXG