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Saturday, 19 November 2016

Donald Trump settles Trump University case for 25 million. Oh yeah, nothing guilty about that.

Courtesy of NBC News:  

Donald Trump has reached an agreement to settle the lawsuit against Trump University for $25 million, New York's attorney general said Friday. 

The settlement likely means that Trump will avoid becoming possibly the first sitting president to testify in open court. 

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called the settlement "a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university." Lawyers involved in the cases say the settlement applies to all three lawsuits against Trump University including two cases filed in California. 

The trial for one of the cases had been scheduled to start Nov. 28. 

The $25 million figure will be split among the students who sued, minus the legal fees. 

Trump will also pay up to $1 million in penalties to the state of New York, Schneiderman said.

Wasn't Donald Trump also the guy who said this:  

“I don’t settle cases,” he told MSNBC, later adding, “You know what happens? When you start settling lawsuits, everybody sues you.”

Except he does in fact settle lawsuits, saying he doesn't is just another one of his never ending stream of lies.

Of course he has another lie to cover for his settlement as well.
Yeah, if you think Donald Trump is going to do anything for the good of this country you would have to be one of those simple shits who voted for him.

Nah he settled it because he was going to lose "bigly" and he knew it.  And he knew that with all of this press attention that everybody would see it happen and he would be humiliated.

Settling this case is as good as an admission of guilt, and a signal to all of the other people with lawsuits pending against Trump, of which apparently there are 75 or more, that the candy store is open and that Trump will pay big to deflect from his legal problems.

More troubling is that it is also a message to America's enemies that Trump is a blowhard who talks tough but folds when directly challenged.


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