Courtesy of New York Magazine:.@realDonaldTrump praises "Blacks for Trump" signs at FL rally: "Blacks for Trump. You watch. You watch."— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) October 25, 2016
It didn’t take an eagle eye to notice the “Blacks for Trump” signs just over Donald Trump’s left shoulder at his Tuesday rally in Sanford, Florida. The middle-aged white woman enthusiastically waving hers was particularly memorable. But the man next to her, a fringe political figure in South Florida who goes by Michael the Black Man, is the real star here.
A former member of the murderous Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, Michael has found himself with front-row seats to several recent Trump events in South Florida, always waving his “Blacks for Trump” sign and wearing a shirt that says “Trump & Republicans Are Not Racist.” At Tuesday’s rally in Sanford, Trump took notice. “I love the signs behind me. Blacks for Trump. I like those signs. Blacks for Trump. You watch. You watch. Those signs are great,” he said.
Getting noticed by Republican pooh-bahs is nothing new for Michael. He appeared at a Rick Santorum event in 2012, where he declared Democrats “slave masters,” and has Glenn Beck’s seal of approval.
This success with the GOP is a credit to Michael’s fervent anti-Obama stance, which is less about policy than Michael’s belief that the president, whom he calls “The Beast,” is the Antichrist whose rise was foretold in the Bible. Not that he doesn’t disapprove of Obama’s policies, too. Michael told the Miami New Times that he believes the president’s backing of child support could bring about the extinction of the free black man.
"Michael’s belief that the president, whom he calls “The Beast,” is the Antichrist whose rise was foretold in the Bible."
What did I say the other day?
Oh yeah, "It appears that it is not only idiots that support Donald Trump, but if you decide to support Donald Trump then you eventually turn into an idiot"
Well in this case it also helps if you are perhaps clinically insane. And if you are not insane, then supporting Donald Trump might get you there.
You know it is probably unfair to say that Trump's support is almost entirely made up or racists, misogynists, self loathing blacks, self loathing women, and crazy people, but I would suggest that it makes up a larger percentage than the campaign would be willing to admit.