Courtesy of the Snowdrift Snooki's Facebook page:
Great day - returning home from early voting to see Todd, Trig & Tripp shooting pucks on our already-frozen lake; planning logistics to get back on the campaign trail for the last week of this imperative fight for our kids' and grandkids' future in the greatest country on God's green earth!
- Sarah Palin
Look Palin cannot even post about voting without bringing the kids into it.
And if she was really worried about their future she certainly would not have voted for the thin skinned, unqualified, misogynistic POS at the top of the GOP ticket.
Not that it matters because Wasilla is without a doubt going for Trump, and chances are Alaska will as well.
So her participation is really inconsequential.
On the other hand I voted on Monday, only a half hour after early voting started in Alaska, and if my candidate, the only one in this race qualified to do the job, wins it will be historic and ground breaking.
And if she also wins the state of Alaska it will not only be historic, but it might help to erase our previous mistake of voting in the state's first female Governor, who not only quit halfway through the job but also made us look like a bunch of inbred idiots to the rest of the world.
Yeah, that's the one.

Great day - returning home from early voting to see Todd, Trig & Tripp shooting pucks on our already-frozen lake; planning logistics to get back on the campaign trail for the last week of this imperative fight for our kids' and grandkids' future in the greatest country on God's green earth!
- Sarah Palin
Look Palin cannot even post about voting without bringing the kids into it.
And if she was really worried about their future she certainly would not have voted for the thin skinned, unqualified, misogynistic POS at the top of the GOP ticket.
Not that it matters because Wasilla is without a doubt going for Trump, and chances are Alaska will as well.
So her participation is really inconsequential.
On the other hand I voted on Monday, only a half hour after early voting started in Alaska, and if my candidate, the only one in this race qualified to do the job, wins it will be historic and ground breaking.
And if she also wins the state of Alaska it will not only be historic, but it might help to erase our previous mistake of voting in the state's first female Governor, who not only quit halfway through the job but also made us look like a bunch of inbred idiots to the rest of the world.
Yeah, that's the one.