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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

New Harvard poll finds Millennials turning out in large numbers for Hillary Clinton.

Courtesy of Harvard IOP: 

A new national poll of America’s 18 to 29 year olds by Harvard’s Institute of Politics (IOP), at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 28%. Clinton captured 49% of likely young voters’ support while Trump received 21% in a four-way race. Gary Johnson garnered 14% and Jill Stein received 5%, with 11% remaining undecided. Clinton is also polling ahead of President Obama’s 2012 polling numbers among key groups within this demographic. 

The IOP’s newest poll results – its 31st major poll release since 2000 – also show that a majority of 18 to 29 year olds are fearful about the future of America. When asked about the future of the country, 51% of young Americans feel “fearful” and 20% feel “hopeful.” 

49% of 18 to 29 year olds indicate that they will “definitely be voting” in this election, one point higher than the 48% who indicated the same in 2012. Notably, 51% of young females indicate they will definitely vote (up from 45% in 2012), whereas 47% of young males indicate the same (down from 51% in 2012). Compared to 2012, young Hispanics are 8 percentage points more likely to vote (2016: 39%; 2012: 31%), Independents are 7 points more likely (2016: 36%; 2012: 29%), while Republicans are 9 percentage points less likely to vote in the upcoming election (2016: 56%; 2012: 65%). 

When likely voters were asked their preferences in a four-way match up, Clinton received 49% of the vote, compared to Trump’s 21%, Johnson’s 14%, and Stein’s 5%. 11% indicated that they were still undecided. In a two-way match-up between Clinton and Trump, Clinton received 59% to Trump’s 25% among likely voters. Comparing these results to Obama’s position in the Harvard IOP Fall 2012 survey, Clinton is performing better among female voters (+14), white voters.

 Well that has to be welcome news for the Clinton campaign, especially after there was so much talk of Bernie supporters going third party or simply skipping the election out of frustration.

I also find it interesting that there seem to be slightly higher numbers in this demographic planning to vote, than came out in support of Obama back in 2012.

That is a little surprising considering how inspirational many found his presidency.

In other news it appears that there might actually be a landslide in this election cycle.
307 to 174 according to Fox News?

If this is how this election plays out it will DESTROY Donald Trump's brand possibly forever, and send shock waves through the Republican party that will shake it to its core. 

Personally I think those are more than adequate reasons to make sure that this is exactly how the election plays out.


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