Courtesy of Think Progress:On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump.— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 26, 2016
On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket.
You in?
Joe Walsh, who was a United States congressman from 2011 until 2013, declared on Wednesday afternoon that he will take up arms if Donald Trump is not elected to the presidency.
Walsh, a man who at one point had the power to help write the laws of the United States, has a history of making violent threats against his political enemies. Last July, for example, Walsh tweeted — and then promptly deleted — a declaration of war against “black lives matter punks.”
I think it's funny that Walsh is threatening to brandish a musket in his bid to "take up arms."
After all even mall cops are more heavily armed than that.
But do you know who probably will not find that funny?
The FBI:
An anti-Trump group has filed a domestic terrorism complaint with the FBI against former Congressman Joe Walsh over a tweet that seems to call for violence if Donald Trump loses the presidential election.
And that's when shit gets real.
Word then got back to Walsh. Take a look at this fancy backpedaling:
“I’m not talking about inciting violence. I’m saying, ‘If Trump loses, man, game on, grab your musket. We’re going to protest. We’re going to boycott. We’re going to picket. We’re going to march on Washington. We’re going to stop paying taxes. We’re going to practice civil disobedience.’ Whatever it takes,” Walsh explained.
“What the heck! A musket! … For the life of me, it’s like the left … has no sense of humor,” Walsh said. “I mean, a musket, what damage could a musket do? What if i had said grab your slingshot?”
Walsh continued to argue that a musket was benign compared with modern weaponry.
“If I wanted to get booted off Twitter or Facebook I would have said, ‘Grab your gun and follow me to D.C.!’ But ‘grab your musket’? … I’m talking metaphorically,” said Walsh. “We have to do what we have to do. We have to practice civil disobedience to get this country back.”
I don't speak Right Wing scumbag, but since when is a "musket" a metaphor for a protest?
Can you believe this guy was once a Congressman?