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Wednesday, 19 October 2016

It looks like Donald Trump and Roger Ailes are no longer besties.

Courtesy of Vanity Fair:  

Roger Ailes. The former Fox News boss had reportedly served as an advisor to Trump throughout the campaign. He was said to have played a particularly important role as of late, helping him prepare for the presidential debates.

That's all changed now, according to Sherman and Vanity Fair contributing editor Sarah Ellison. The reason for the fallout depends on who you ask. 

“Ailes’s camp said Ailes learned that Trump couldn’t focus—surprise, surprise—and that advising him was a waste of time,” Sherman said. “These debate prep sessions weren’t going anywhere.”

On the Trump side, Ellison said the story is different: “Even for the second debate, Ailes kept going off on tangents and talking about his war stories while he was supposed to be prepping Trump.”

Gee, two well known liars with different stories.

May have to flip a coin to decide who to believe in this one, but what does not seem to be in dispute is the fact that these two monstrous egos could not coexist in the same space.

I can only imagine how frustrating it was for Roger Ailes, who is used to holding up hoops for his employees to jump through, to work with a candidate who never listens to anybody and who seems determined to drive his campaign over a cliff.

On the plus side for Ailes (Or perhaps not.) there is talk of making a TV series which chronicles the end of his career at Fox News.

They are talking about getting Anthony Hopkins for the role of Roger Ailes but I think that the actor who pulled this off in the movie Blade would be the better choice.



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