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Monday, 31 October 2016

Harry Reid's letter to James Comey accuses him of sitting on "explosive" evidence of ties between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Courtesy of CBS News: 

The pugilistic Reid, who plans to retire after finishing out this term in Congress, penned a blistering letter to Comey Sunday, accusing the FBI chief of holding back “explosive” information about Donald Trump’s close Russian ties while possibly violating the Hatch Act by reviving the Clinton email investigation. 

“Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another,” Reid wrote, adding that through Comey’s “partisan actions, you may have broken the law.” 

The Nevada Democrat went on to insinuate Comey’s violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits “activity directed towards the success or failure” of a candidate by executive branch employees. 

“[Y]our highly selective approach to publicizing information, along with your timing, was intended for the success or failure of a partisan candidate or political group,” Reid wrote. 

Damn! You go get 'em Senator Reid!

If true that Comey has evidence of ties between Trump and Putin, ties that he has kept to himself, then it makes it much harder NOT to see him as a partisan operative.

And if that was not enough to make that case there is also his decision not to confirm the Russian hacks.

Courtesy of CNBC: 

FBI Director James Comey argued privately that it was too close to Election Day for the United States government to name Russia as meddling in the U.S. election and ultimately ensured that the FBI's name was not on the document that the U.S. government put out, a former FBI official tells CNBC.

In the end, the Department of Homeland Security and The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the statement on Oct. 7, saying "The U.S. intelligence community is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of emails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations…These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process." 

According to the former official, Comey agreed with the conclusion the intelligence community came to: "A foreign power was trying to undermine the election. He believed it to be true, but was against putting it out before the election." Comey's position, this official said, was "if it is said, it shouldn't come from the FBI, which as you'll recall it did not." 

That statement put out by the government, which  FBI Director James Comey refrained from participating with since it was so close to the election, came out on October 7th.

The letter that Comey sent to the Senators about the POSSIBILITY of emails on Huma Abedin's computer came out on October 28th, three weeks closer to election day.

You know if it walks like a partisan operative, and it talks like a partisan operative, well then you go ahead and draw your own conclusions.


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