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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

GOP expert on national security claims that he told Donald Trump that Russia was behind the hacks, but he refused to believe him.

Courtesy of Politico:

A top Republican on national security said he advised Donald Trump that Russia was using hacked information to influence the election process, but the GOP presidential nominee didn't appear to believe him. 

“I think he has in his mind that there’s not the proof,” House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul said Tuesday during a Texas Tribune event in Austin. "Now he hasn't had the briefing I had, but I made it clear that in my judgment it was a nation-state." 

McCaul, a Trump supporter, told Tribune CEO Evan Smith that he was brought in to brief Trump on national security after the first presidential debate — a topic the Texas Republican conceded is “not [Trump’s] strength.” 

Despite the coaching from the congressman, Trump stated during the final presidential debate last week that the U.S. has no idea who is behind hacks of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails. The material was released by WikiLeaks. 

Well gee that's odd.

I mean this is a national security expert from his own party, not from the media or the Democrats, and he still cannot accept that Russia is behind these hacks. 

It's almost like when somebody accuses your best friend of doing something terrible and your first instinct is to say 'What? No you must have the wrong guy."

I mean why WOULDN'T Trump be willing to believe that Russia was engaging in cyber espionage against the United States? After all it is not like its the first time they have been caught doing so.

Unless, unless Trump actually knows for a fact that it's the Russians and for some reason wants to cover for them.

Things that make you do, Hmmm.


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