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Sunday, 9 October 2016

Evangelicals still supporting Donald Trump after release of sexual harassment tape.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:  

“Voters of faith are voting on issues like who will protect unborn life, defend religious freedom, create jobs, and oppose the Iran nuclear deal,” Faith and Freedom Coalition president Ralph Reed said in an email to BuzzFeed News. “Ten-year-old tapes of private conversation with a television talk show host rank very low on their hierarchy of concerns.” 

Asked if he had any comment on the tape itself and if he was definitely standing by Trump, Reed said, “I think the statement is self explanatory.” 

Tony Perkins, who leads the Family Research Council, also did not reject Trump in the wake of the revelations, but indicated that he doesn’t share Trump’s values. 

“My personal support for Donald Trump has never been based upon shared values, it is based upon shared concerns about issues such as: justices on the Supreme Court that ignore the constitution, America’s continued vulnerability to Islamic terrorists and the systematic attack on religious liberty that we’ve seen in the last 7 1/2 years,” Perkins said in an email to BuzzFeed News. 

“The comments are obviously disgusting and unfortunate,” Bauer said in an interview with BuzzFeed News. “But Donald Trump did not run as a evangelical or as somebody who ran the kind of campaign that a Pat Robertson would run.” 

“We’ll still support him, still work hard for him,” Bauer said. “His policies are 100% better than Hillary clinton’s for the country.” 

“I don’t see how any values voter that is sensible would take a tape from 11 years ago with totally inappropriate language and says somehow that leads me as a voter to stay home or vote for Hillary Clinton or throw your vote away on a third party candidate,” Bauer said. 

To be clear NONE of what is said above surprises me in the least.

In fact the entire reason this blog exists is to call out the hypocrisy of the conservatives and the so-called "Moral Majority." I knew the evangelicals were full of shit when Jerry Falwell was leading them to support Ronald Reagan and then George W. Bush, and they are just as full of shit today.

Just imagine the level of outrage that would have been directed at Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama if even a portion of the disgusting comments voiced by Donald Trump had been uttered by either one of them.

Simply put it would have ended their campaigns months ago, and the entire Democratic party would be tainted by those statements for decades to come.

But, if a GOP candidate says all that and much worse....ho hum.... no big deal....let's move on.

CNN now has a treasure trove of disgusting comments that Donald Trump made on the Howard Stern show, some much much worse than the "grab her pu**y" comments, and those will not change the minds of the evangelicals either.

By the way CNN's John King pointed out quite rightly that Donald Trump did not just make lewd and lascivious remarks, he essentially admitted to a crime.

But that won't make any difference to these people either.

Trump once said that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and it would not cost him any support, apparently he could also rape a woman on that same street and the so-called "Christian" majority in this country would simply turn a blind eye.

In fact Trump is predicting that he will emerge unscathed.
Well my fellow heathens, it looks like it is up to us to take this son-of-a-bitch down. 


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