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Monday, 31 October 2016

Donald Trump is now openly advocating voter fraud.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

“Who here has sent in their ballot?” Trump asked a crowd of more than 2,000 supporters at a rally in Greeley. The crowd replied with a roaring affirmative cheer. 

Trump then asked, “When you send your ballot in, do you think it’s properly counted?” The crowd was quiet for a second before people realized that the correct answer was “No!” 

“You can check on your ballot to make sure it’s counted properly,” Trump said. “You can go to [Greeley voting location] University Center and they’ll give you a ballot, a new ballot. They’ll void your old ballot and give you a new ballot. And you can go out and make sure it gets in,” Trump said. 

“In some places, they probably do that four or five times, but we don’t do that,” he added.

So to be clear the guy who keeps complaining that the election is rigged and that voter fraud is rampant, is now telling his supporters to vote more than once.

Which of course is against the law.

It is worth noting that so far the only person arrested for voting more than one time is a Trump supporter, who did so in Iowa even BEFORE he made these statements.

Let's see so far we have a guy who refuses to reveal his tax returns, is accused of numerous episodes of sexual harassment and abuse, is advocating that his people reject the outcome of the election if he loses, and is now advocating voter fraud.

And yet people are STILL have trouble making a choice in this election?


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