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Friday, 2 September 2016

So I guess I've been identified as a sucker as well.

This showed up in my e-mail box the other day: 

Do you remember the moment Bernie kicked off the political revolution? 

Bernie Sanders has spent his life fighting against injustice and inequality. But it was his eight-hour long filibuster in 2010 that turned him into a national leader. As Charles Chamberlain explains in the email below, Bernie took to the Senate floor to challenge a deal President Obama had cut with Republicans that included an extension of George W. Bush's tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. 

His speech wasn't just about that bad deal. He used his time to speak about corporate greed, the recently announced Citizens United decision, and the decline of the middle class. His speech laid out his early vision that became the people-powered campaign that rocked the foundations of the Democratic Party. Bernie's vision should still motivate us today -- and that's why DFA is offering a chance to read this amazing document while helping build a political revolution. 

Do you want to read the speech that started the "political revolution"? Pitch in $37 or more now to support DFA and we will send you your very own copy of Bernie's "The Speech: On Corporate Greed and the Decline of the Middle Class" -- we will even cover the shipping charges for you! 

Your donation will not only get you this historic book by Bernie -- it will also help DFA continue the work we began during the primary. We're building the political revolution across the country, and fighting for candidates who share Bernie's values. We're even training thousands of activists to help win in November and beyond. 

Thank you for spreading the word about Bernie's speech -- and helping change America. 

I am not going to bother sharing all of it with you but it goes on to accuse President Obama of "cutting a deal with the Republicans that was filled with goodies for the 1%," smears all and of course making Sanders out to be some kind of modern folk hero.

It also continues to push the meme that Bernie and his supporters are going to change politics in this country and that it can all be done if they just keep donating to the "revolution" and of course buying his books.

Of course all of us here have seen this before, and we know how it ends.

And lines like this, "Every penny of your donation will go toward helping elect Bernie-style truth-tellers to every level of government, from City Council to the U.S. Senate, this November and beyond," should not fool anybody.

I know that the true believers will have difficulty accepting this, but this political grift has been going on for years now.

We have already seen the damage that it can do as evidenced by the Republican party.

We just don't need to see it happen on the Democratic side.

If we want to change how money influences politics we need to overturn Citizens United, which can eventually happen with the help of Clinton selected Supreme Court justices, and work to pass campaign finance reform, for which we need more Democrats.

We don't need a revolution, we just need to keep our eye on the ball and continue making the same kind of progress that President Obama has already helped to put into motion.


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