Courtesy of Politico:The truth? Trump favored war in Iraq, he led the Birthers for 5 yrs, and he tried to buy off Jeb Bush on casinos. Don't let him keep lying.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 25, 2016
After he lied on Sept. 16 that he was not the person responsible for the birtherism campaign to delegitimize Barack Obama’s presidency, POLITICO chose to spend a week fact-checking Trump. We fact-checked Hillary Clinton over the same time.
We subjected every statement made by both the Republican and Democratic candidates — in speeches, in interviews and on Twitter — to our magazine’s rigorous fact-checking process. The conclusion is inescapable: Trump’s mishandling of facts and propensity for exaggeration so greatly exceed Clinton’s as to make the comparison almost ludicrous.
Though few statements match the audacity of his statement about his role in questioning Obama’s citizenship, Trump has built a cottage industry around stretching the truth. According to POLITICO’s five-day analysis, Trump averaged about one falsehood every three minutes and 15 seconds over nearly five hours of remarks.
In raw numbers, that’s 87 erroneous statements in five days.
87 erroneous comments, ie lies, in five days?
Yes I knew Trump lied, but damn!
Now to be fair Politico did the same kind of analysis with Hillary this last week as well:
In raw numbers, Clinton made eight erroneous statements in five days.
Now Hillary did not do nearly as much talking last week as Trump, and Politico attempts to play the "fair and balanced" card by suggesting that Hillary plays a little loose with the truth as well.
However if you read through some of the "lies" that Hillary supposedly told you get examples like this:
Trump’s “economic plans would ... include an estimated $4 billion tax cut for his own family just by eliminating the estate tax.”
The problem with this is that the Clinton campaign is using the numbers that Trump himself uses for his wealth, 10 billion, instead of the 1.2 or 3 billion that Bloomberg News estimates. Which means she is "lying" because Trump is lying. Or something like that.
However the lies that Trump was caught telling are mostly whoppers, and often have very little in common with actual facts.
No matter how you look at it Donald Trump referring to Hillary Clinton as a liar is laugh out loud funny.
Unless of course people take it seriously, which sadly many actually do.