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Sunday, 25 September 2016

More than half of the country fears a Donald Trump presidency.

Courtesy of the AP:  

More than half the country fears a Trump presidency. And only about a third of Americans believe he is at least somewhat qualified to serve in the White House. 

In the final sprint to Election Day, a new Associated Press-GfK poll underscores those daunting roadblocks for Donald Trump as he tries to overtake Hillary Clinton. 

Moreover, most voters oppose the hard-line approach to immigration that is a centerpiece of the billionaire businessman's campaign. They are more likely to trust Clinton to handle a variety of issues facing the country, and Trump has no advantage on the national security topics also at the forefront of his bid. 

Trump undoubtedly has a passionate base of support, seen clearly among the thousands of backers who fill the stands at his signature rallies. But most people don't share that fervor. Only 29 percent of registered voters would be excited and just 24 percent would be proud should Trump prevail in November. 

Only one in four voters find him even somewhat civil or compassionate, and just a third say he's not at all racist.

Okay so if this is accurate why are Trump's poll numbers so close to Hillary's right now?

I mean even if people don't like Hillary, I seriously doubt that too many of them actually fear having her as President.

This of course just plays into my fantasy of watching Trump faced with an unexpectedly devastating defeat election night, ala Mitt Romney in 2012, and listening while he tries desperately to blame the whole thing on the media and crooked Democrats.

Because when he loses I expect that is exactly what we are going to see.


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