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Saturday, 3 September 2016

Donald Trump visited a black church today and taught them about President Lincoln. Good thing he didn't talk down to them.

Did you notice how Trump said that like he just learned it this morning?

(While he was there perhaps he could have also taught the congregation about the Southern Strategy, of which I am sure they are also quite aware.)

And don't think Trump was done spreading his "wisdom" with that history lesson either.
Yes I absolutely believe that he wrote that this other day and  is not haltingly reading it for the first time.

Fortunately there were probably only a handful of African Americans offended as the place was very close to empty.
It appears that most of the neighborhood was outside protesting.

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the church before Trump arrived, some of whom chanted, "Whose city? Our city!" 

At one point, several tried to rush toward a gate near the church's entryway. Four police officers on horseback blocked them. Some of the protesters urged others to remain peaceful. 

Lawrence Glass, the president of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity, addressed reporters and demonstrators at a news conference earlier in the morning, declaring that black voters "will not be trumpets to get his message of fear and hate out." 

"He is speaking at a black church, which is not equivalent to speaking to a black church," Glass added. 

Don't worry I am sure that the Trump team is already spinning this into a rollicking success.

After all facts are just a matter of inconvenience for this campaign. 


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