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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Chelsea Clinton responds to Donald Trump's threats to bring up her father's infidelities to attack her mother.

Courtesy of Cosmopolitan magazine:

Cosmopolitan: After the debate, Donald Trump said he was "proud" that he didn’t mention your father’s infidelity out of respect for you. What was your reaction to that? 

Chelsea Clinton: Well, my reaction to that is just what my reaction has been kind of every time Trump has gone after my mom or my family, which is that it’s a distraction from his inability to talk about what’s actually at stake in this election and to offer concrete, comprehensive proposals about the economy, or our public school system, or debt-free college, or keeping our country safe and Americans safe here at home and around the world. 

And candidly, I don’t remember a time in my life when my parents and my family weren’t being attacked, and so it just sort of seems to be in that tradition, unfortunately. And what I find most troubling by far are Trump’s — and we talked about this when you interviewed me the night before the Iowa caucus — are Trump’s continued, relentless attacks on whole swaths of our country and even our global community: women, Muslims, Americans with disabilities, a Gold Star family. I mean, that, to me, is far more troubling than whatever his most recent screed against my mom or my family [is].

I have to admit that as ugly as it would be I kind of hope that Trump goes here at some point. 

I don't know what he thinks the reaction will be, but I cannot imagine too many other things that would rally a women's vote against him quite like this would.

Actually by bragging to the press about not using it in the debate after the debate means he really already has "gone there" which I think means that ALL of his troubles with women, including his affairs, insulting comments, and rape allegations are now on the menu.

Hillary was the victim of Bill's affairs, but Trump is himself the predator.

Women know the difference.


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